Tapas, Sangria and Fun!

Ricos Spanish Restaurant & Bar is a well established name serving more Spanish food and wine than any other Spanish restaurant in Hong Kong.  Opened in 1993 on Robinson Road and relocated in Soho eighteen years ago Ricos is still a roaring success.  Live Spanish music from Thursday day to Sunday by the famous Dos Amigos.

For the best Sangrias, Tapas and Paella in Asia, please make your way to Ricos!

Website: www.phukets.com.hk
Address: Relocating to a new address. Details soon!
Phone: 2840 0937

[accordions] [accordion title=”The Deal”]

  • 10% discount on total bill (including take out).

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  • Valid from Monday to Thursday only.
  • Applicable to orders for Take-out.
  • Terms & Conditions of Use apply.  Please click here to view.[/accordion] [/accordions]