Savour Nature’s Beauty Treasures!

Immortelle, aka everlasting flower, grows abundantly on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Literally meaning “the golden sun”, it never withers or loses its colour even after it has been picked, standing the test of time and environmental hardship.

The immortelle essential oil is precious as over a ton of immortelle blossoms are required to produce a kilo of essential oil. House of Immortelle materialises the age-defying, skin healing and mind soothing properties of the Mediterranean sunny yellow joy in the form of nature-inspired and aromatherapy-based beauty essentials. It firmly believes in the potent beauty power of plants and stays true to natural beauty that transcends space and time. All Natural, planet and animal-friendly, House of Immortelle brings to you fresh handmade skincare and beauty goodies that are free from artificial colourings, harsh ingredients and preservatives. Savour nature’s beauty treasures!


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  • 10% discount on regular priced products.
  • Free travel kit (samples of basic skincare regimen) and a tote bag upon first purchase.

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